So, on the day of the battle not a soldier with Saul and Jonathan had a sword or spear in his hand; only Saul and his son Jonathan had them. 1 Samuel 13:22
I watched the last episode of Little House on the Prairie the other day. The US Army ordered Walnut Grove residents to surrender their weapons. They did and had to watch their land get taken away. Their control was diminished. History recalls other situations like that one. The Nazis eventually used gun control to lead Jews to concentration camps. Then, there was a recent one when one administration couldn’t push gun removal, so they heavily taxed ammunition. My one-gun costs $2 per bullet to discharge.
An enemy will control people by taking away their weapons. Smiths created them during Biblical times. Take the weapons away and get control.
Enemies want to remove our weapons. Especially spiritual ones. They closed churches in 2020 and not liquor and big convenience stores. They took prayer out of schools. Then, take offense when kids pray or bring their Bibles. This world desires to take the smiths so they can’t battle.
Ephesians 6 talks about the whole armor of God. Every part of that armor is defensive. The breastplate, feet, helmet, and shield. It says the sword is God's Word. We destroy the enemies’ plans by what is written.
The enemy manipulates minds with false thoughts to deceive people that the Bible is just a book. It's a fairytale of stories. They get fooled as the power gets removed from them. Their weapons get taken away just as politicians try to have our physical armaments removed.
Isaiah 54:16a says, See, it is I who created the smith who fans the coals into flame and forges a weapon fit for its work. Then the next verse says no weapon can come against this one. The fight against weapons in this world is unsurprising. Keep the swords sharp, believers. This is our sole opportunity for combat. Battle hard; one day, we will lay our armor down in His presence.
Keep us sharp, Lord. Please lead us to use our weapons of war. Shoot down all the enemy's plans to remove our offenses. In Jesus’ name, amen.