It is great when we become God's mess! Here's how?
1. Recognize we are a mess. There are good people. I look around and see them. That is in comparison to me. How do we measure up with a perfect God? Because compared to Him no one is good. The first step is understanding we are a mess and escape dead works. Romans 3:10; 3:23, Isaiah 64:6
2. We could not be with the Father in eternity. This broke His heart, so He sent His Son Jesus. He lived a life with no mess and went to the cross, defeated the mess of sin and rose again. He did it so we could be with Him in eternity. When we proclaim Jesus as Lord He saves us from our sin. Then we become God's mess. John 3:3; 3:16, Romans 10:9-10
3. Then we begin to start to build a relationship with our Abba. We talk to Him daily, read His Word and assemble with other believers. We spend time with our Abba Father through His Son. He works on the mess as we surrender daily. Hebrews 4:12, Hebrews 6:1-3 Hebrews 10:25
The Lord led me to write God's Mess to help us heal. Then tackle stuff in life that holds us back. We can break religious barriers by tackling tough subjects most churches steer clear from. My hope is we all draw closer as He works in us through these vital parts in step 3. This book is a tool not to replace those steps but enhance them.
Any questions? Feel free to contact us as we all become less of a mess.